Müsiad Invest

International Investment Support Office

Get to know MÜSİAD Invest.

What is crowdfunding? How to Get Investment from Crowdfunding?

How Do I Prepare My Company for Investment?

Apply to Become an Investor

To match your current investment request with the right investment opportunity based on your sector and to forward relevant investment opportunities after pre-selection from our 60,000 companies, please complete this application.

Apply for Your Investment Search

To match your current Project or Company with the appropriate investment channels, please complete this application.

YTK (Overseas Organizations Commission) meeting was held

MÜSİAD INVEST President Serhat Kısakürek participated in the Overseas Organization Commission Workshop program and made a presentation about MÜSİAD INVEST's work.

A Meeting Was Held With JETRO Company

JETRO (Japan Foreign Trade Organization) Manager Hiroto Kobayashi, Business Development Director Ryoko Tomoda and Emine Göncü were hosted by the International Economic Relations Commission. MÜSİAD INVEST Commission member Önder Kul attended the meeting.


Our Service Members

You can view our members who provide professional services based on their sector.

We Participated In COP 28

MÜSİAD participated in the COP28 Fair with a delegation consisting of members of the Board of Directors on the topic "What is Climate Change from the Perspective of MÜSİAD Members and What Should Be Done?" He organized the panel named.

Investment with
Global Experience

MÜSİAD's global experience is now transforming into an even stronger and more strategic structure with Turkey's investment opportunities.

TURKEY; With its political stability, strategic location, market size, strong industry, production and raw material diversity; along with a qualified young population, advantageous investment incentives, and a dynamic structure, it is an attractive investment center on the international stage.

MÜSİAD's global experience is now turning Turkey's investment opportunities into an even stronger and more strategic structure.

Within the responsibility derived from MUSIAD's mission, we have established the "MÜSİAD International Investment and Support Office" (MÜSİAD INVEST) to contribute to Turkey's international investment climate.

With more than 13,000 members

Represents nearly 60,000

Provides employment for approximately 2,000,000 people.

Has 84 contact points
within the country

Conveying the problems, views, and suggestions of its members to public institutions.

In 71 different countries and at 85 locations abroad.

It is a capital platform that serves with a total of 169 points